Alan J Zend DO PLLC

How Our Suboxone Treatment Program Works

How Our Suboxone Treatment Program Works

Suboxone therapy is intended for opiate addiction.  It is not a treatment choice if your addiction is primarily for other substances (e.g. cocaine or meth). If these other substances are part of your opiate addiction that can be addressed as well.  We will give you individual and compassionate care.  We are non-judgmental towards addicts, and you will be treated with respect as long as you are respectful.

A $200 deposit is required to set up your first appointment.  It will go towards the cost of the first visit.  This deposit is non-refundable due to your being given at least an hour of appointed time, and addicts are more prone to “no show” than general patients.  The deposit can be made over the phone via a credit card or in person with cash. 

At the first visit you will be given paperwork to fill out.  There will be quite a bit, but this is necessary to give you the proper care you deserve.  You can save considerable time in the office if you prefill these out from the forms on this site.  You can print them out, fill them out and bring them with you at the first visit.  If you prefill them out come to the clinic 20 minutes early.  If you do not fill them out before the visit arrive 45 minutes early.

The cost of the first visit, as a new patient, will be $375.  Your $200 deposit will be applied toward this.  This will include a detailed history review (as compiled by your paperwork), a physical exam and a prescription to get started.  If a lab draw is done this will be $20 and a possible TB skin test will be $25.  Altogether, you will be in the office 1-2 hours.  Full payment will be required before you see Dr. Zend.  If urine drug screens (UDS) are done they cost $50 for the usual and basic form.

If you have taken Suboxone in the past (either from a doctor or on the street) please let us know. This will effect your second visit.  If you have not taken it in the past you will be “induced” at the second visit.  This will require about two hours in the office.  Don’t let the word “induce” scare you.  It is mostly observation while the medicine sets up in your system.  If you are going to be induced you will need to show up in  near moderate active withdrawals.  You will feel better when you leave if you do so.  There is a basic charge of $140.00 for an induction visit.

Follow-up visits, if not complicated or taking on separate issues, run $140.  A UDS will be an additional $50, and they will be administered randomly.  Always come with a full bladder.

At first you will be seen every one to two weeks depending on how well you are doing.  If things are going well we will progress to once monthly visits as soon as possible.

You will need to have photo id.  Minors must have parental consent.

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